Time Tested High Maturity Practices Enabling Superior Performance
QAI's Best Practice Warehouse provides access to time tested, high maturity and
practical approaches of the best of the organizations in the field of Process Improvement,
Project Management, Service Managment, Metrics and Measurement, Support Functions,
Testing and Reviews and Tools. It is a platform to enable wider sharing of best
practices, and to apply formal benchmarking leading to the major improvements, which
are the need of today’s dynamic IT community.
Through this initiative QAI reiterates its commitment towards creating a global
ecosystem that fosters continuous improvement and delivers value to its customers
and partners.
The papers that feature on this platform are from the best of the best submissions
that QAI has received for its Conferences. We now share these with the IT community
in our efforts to enable enterprise growth.
You can use this forum to share not just the Best Practices but also the Next Practices.
Register now and get access to 5 papers of your choice.